Points to Check if the Debt Collector is Legit

Imagine you get a call and the individual on the side of the phone asks you to pay off the money that you owe to your creditor. On asking who that person is on the phone, you get to know that he/she is a debt collector. Getting a panic attack for anybody at that point of time would not be unnatural. However, something that you must do instantly is checking if the person calling you is actually a debt collector or not. To check if the caller is genuine or not, you can do the following:
·       Try to ask questions to the caller: When you get a call from a debt collection agency, make sure that you do not keep on answering all the questions asked by the caller. Instead, you ask for the basics of the caller, which will include name, company name, address and phone number.
·       Letter of confirmation: A legit caller will not stick only to calling. He/she will also send a legal letter either before or after the call. The letter will include areas that talk about your rights and also information about the debt collection agency will be mentioned in it..
·       Verification of the existence of the agency: you need to verify the existence of the agency. There are many callers who claim to be calling from a debt collection agency; however, on try to find out information about them, often they are found to be frauds. Also check the website of the debt collection agency as it will give you a clear idea about its existence.
·       Checking your credit report: finding out your credit reports at least once year is important for everybody who has borrowed money and even not. If you get one such call someday, immediately check your credit report as you will be able to find information about your current debts.
These are some you can also be sure about not getting any  harassing or threatening calls as this agency since they have been dealing with borrowers and take all steps in accordance to the laws. They do not put extreme pressure on the borrowers and find out easy ways to fetch out money from them to meet the mutual needs of the borrowers and lenders. Being an agency of high repute they ensure not to call people without checking the proper background and without proper cause.


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